Thursday, November 28, 2013

So Much to be Thankful For

I am thankful for my beautiful family. I am so blessed for my amazing husband and 3 gorgeous, healthy sons! My little Mason is already calling the babies his best friends!
I am thankful for my wonderful family. Thank you for looking after Mason and Penny and being here for me when I needed you most!
I am thankful for having the best friends and support team to help me through this. I appreciate the gifts, phone calls, breaking me out of my hospital room, love, encouragement, allowing me to cry, and so much more. I would not have survived this without any of you! 
I am thankful for my nurses and the NICU nurses. They are an amazing, caring, compassionate group of people. One of my nurses bought these for my boys! I am overwhelmed by their love for someone they have only known for a few days. This is truly a wonderful profession!
I am thankful for Thanksgiving dinner! My family will be visiting me in the hospital with my delicious food! I am thankful that I get to enjoy my favorite meal and not have to cook or clean up:) 
I am thankful for giving Dylan his first bath! He loved it when we poured the water over his head. He was very relaxed during bath time, but was not a big fan of coming out of the water.
I am extremely thankful for my precious twins. They are definitely a gift from god! 

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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