Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween

I was super excited about Halloween this year. Mason, on the other hand, did not share that same excitement with me. From the second he got home from daycare, he was cranky and throwing tantrums. What happened to my even-tempered, sweet 2 year old??? Too much sugar is what I think:) Mason and Penny had matching Cookie Monster costumes and I was supposed to get the cutest pictures. Well he hated  that costume the second he saw it and refused to walk or move once we had it on him. Not to mention the uncontrollable crying! Needless to say he was acting like a monster so that costume came right off. Thank goodness for last year's shark outfit because that was acceptable to him. Penny got depressed with her costume too, but once she knew she was going for a walk, she was happy again:) Nicole, Sebastian, and Auntie Jaime joined us as we set out to go trick-or-treating. Mason was happy for a bit because he realized he gets candy for saying, "trick or treat". This was also a great opportunity for Marc and I to meet our neighbors. Everyone was super nice! The couple next door has a set of twin boys!!! Too perfect! She offered some great advice. We love our new neighborhood!! I hope Mason has a better attitude next year on Halloween:)

Mason was happy with his pumpkin filled with candy!
That was actually a smile from the little guy
Princess Lea and her little Yoda

My depressed puppy:(
Mason no longer wanting to walk and threw a fit in the street with Auntie. Way to make a good impression with the new neighbors Mace!
He loved trying on Auntie's boots. 

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