Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bittersweet Graduation Day

Baby Dylan graduated from the NICU after 6 days! He made such amazing progress every day. When he was first born, they figured he would be in there for 2 weeks. Well my little over achiever broke free earlier. He is eating 2 ounces at every feeding and sleeps in 4 hour stretches. He is an easy perfect baby and we are so blessed. 

Noah on the other hand is still too immature to go home. He is still having apnic episodes and is not consistent with his feedings. It was the hardest thing leaving him alone in the hospital without his family:( Thank god for NICU nurses! I can call all hours of the day or night and I hang out there with both boys all day. Marc brings Mason too and our family hangs out playing cars, changing diapers, and snuggling our children. Mason is obsessed with his brothers and kisses them every chance he gets! I can't wait until we are all home together, but for now, the NICU is the best place for my little snuggle bunny Noah.

Karen is one of the amazing nurses that has been taking care of my boys. I wouldn't have made it through this week without her! 
My boys together right before we left:(
My sleeping angel Noah! God is looking over him every day:)
Santa came to the hospital! 

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