Monday, November 11, 2013

33 Weeks

Since last week, I now go to the doctor twice a week. This is a normal procedure for twins. My first appointment is an NST, where they hook me up to a machine to monitor the babies heart rates and contractions. Contractions are a regular occurrence these days and totally normal with twins. They also check to see if I have dilated at all as well. So far, even with all of the contractions, my cervix is staying tightly closed. The second appointment is an ultra sound. These are my favorite appointments! I can stare at these little boys all day long. At my last visit, my boys had very healthy heartbeats and scored 100% on their measurement tests. We were even able to watch both boys breathe. They are already overachievers!!! We couldn't get any good pictures because they were squished inside my belly:( But we were able to find out that both boys already weigh in at 5 pounds!!!! I have 10 pounds of babies in my belly!!!!! I could potentially deliver two 8 pound babies. Oh my poor body:( Thank goodness for the c-section!

Today I had another NST. Their heartbeats were perfect and my contractions, even though uncomfortable, were still normal. I was concerned after this weekend because I was convinced I was having these boys Friday night. I had constant nausea and contractions all evening! After checking me today though, my cervix was sealed shut. My doctor also informed me that full term for twins is 36 weeks and rarely does she have a mom go to the scheduled date. I explained to her that I have way too much going on and these babies have to wait until the scheduled date of December 16. She laughed at me and said that I better get ready! OMG!!! We still don't have names or a completed nursery!!! On a positive note, we did find out this weekend that I can fit 3 car seats in my car. It took us along enough to find out about that! No more procrastinating! Whether we are ready or not, these gorgeous cuties are going to be here soon!!!

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