Friday, November 22, 2013

34 Weeks 5 Days

The twins are popping out in the office!
Baby A (the little guy on the bottom) He is moving around in my belly all the time. One day he is breach and the next visit he is turned around and trying to get out. The ultrasound tech said that she has never seen a twin do this:) 
Baby B (the little guy squished lying across my ribs) On Monday we were finally able to get a quick glimpse of his gorgeous face. 

So I am still pregnant and we are down to a little over 3 weeks before the scheduled c-section. Things are starting to get real! I am so appreciative for my supportive husband.  Thanks to his amazing nightly massages, I am getting some rest at night.  At this stage in the pregnancy, I am physically ready for these boys. It has definitely gotten more difficult. I try to keep a positive attitude, but it is hard sometimes because these boys are kicking my butt (sometimes literally:).  

I haven't had many cravings throughout this pregnancy. Mainly because I can't eat much because these babies have taken over my stomach and there is not much room for anything else. I just want to indulge and enjoy all kinds of foods, but I can't. I did happen to gain 37 pounds so far! 10 pounds (or more now) are babies. At least I can always count on enjoying a bagel and Haagen-Dazs ice cream. If it were healthy, I would eat that for every meal of every day.  

At the last 2 doctor visits, the boys were extremely healthy and perfect. Their heart rates were excellent, they scored 8 out of 8 on their tests, and my cervix is still closed. I really hope I make it to December 16! 

Highlights of Mason From This Week
Hanging out with Bella and Nicholas in one of the baby's cribs. 

Spending quality time with his future wife!

My little OCD son has to line up all of his cars and trucks! He enjoys organizing while he plays:)

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