Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Noah and Dylan Update

So there has been a little bit of drama in the last 24 hours. Noah must have missed his brother and decided to join him in the NICU. Super early this morning, Noah stopped breathing for about 6 seconds. He turned a little blue, but bounced back quickly. The nurses admitted him to the NICU. He did have another episode a few hours later. The pediatrician explained that he needs to be monitored for 5 days before he could go home. All day he has been eating like a champ and there haven't been any other episodes. 

Dylan has made amazing progress. He is now in the same crib as his brother. He is still receiving oxygen, but the dosage is a lot less than what it was. He even ate 3 milliliters from a bottle and held it down! The feeding tube continues to be the best way to feed him, but he is progressing:) I can also hold Dylan now. The hardest thing was not being able to touch him for so long and now I can have him in my arms! He will probably get to go home in a little over a week, hopefully!

Dylan and Daddy
I was a little emotional because I was finally able to hold Dylan 36 hours after he was born! And then the nurse gave me Noah. Such a good day:)
Dylan is so precious!
My little snuggle bunny Noah!


  1. May God Bless and keep your new angels safe and healthy...They are just so precious Jill...Much love to all of you <3

  2. God bless these precious miracles....God keep them healthy and safe all the days of their lives......God bless their big (little) brother Mason, and their mom, dad, and family. Welcome to the light Dylan <3 Noah

  3. They are PERFECT Jill! Bless you and your beautiful family! You truly have lots to be thankful for this season. I hope to see you and the boys soon :-) Jeannie

  4. They are so precious. Praying that you have your three sons at home with you soon, healthy and happy.
