Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer Time

I am having a blast being able to spend all of this extra time with Mason.  During the days, we go swimming, hang out with Mason's friends, play with toys, and try to stay as cool as possible in this heat.  Mason really enjoys going to Michael's, my favorite craft store.  He loves playing this game where he takes items out of the cart and throws them on the ground.  LOL:)  Mason is now eating more table foods as well.  His favorites include nectarines, mangoes, mashed potatoes, and yogurt.  My little man is really coming into his own and has an amazing personality!  I love him very much!!   

Hi Mommy!

This is one of his many funky sleeping positions:)

Mason is happiest around Poppa!  It makes me soooo happy:)

Mason's old bathtub has turned into his new swimming pool at Momma and Poppa's house:)

There is nothing better than playing in the sprinklers during the summer!

"Outdoor bath???  This is awesome!"

Poppa + Sprinkler + Bath= THE BEST TIME EVER!!!

Thanks Grandma for playing with me!

"I am soooo ready for bed!!!!"  Sweet Dreams:)

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