Thursday, July 26, 2012

1st Family Vacation Day 5

This morning was awesome because we got to eat breakfast with Shamu, actually 2 killer whales but they will always be Shamu to me:)  They did flips, jumps, twirls, and all kinds of tricks right in front of us.  I could have watched these beautiful mammals for hours!  We then hopped in the car and drove up to La Jolla.  We had a fabulous day!  We got to hang out with cousin Taryn all day:)  We walked, and walked, and walked some more all along the shore.  The ocean was gorgeous and Mason was happy because he was in his stroller and nowhere near the sand.  LOL!  He was also on his best behavior throughout the entire day!  I can't believe our first family vacation is almost over, but we have so many amazing memories!

Breakfast with Shamu
The whales were so close that some people got splashed while eating breakfast!

The whales did all kinds of tricks right in front of us:)

This was one of the highlights of our trip!

Marc and Taryn in La Jolla

On the walkway out in the ocean to the see the seals


July 2012 in La Jolla

July 2011 in La Jolla (The 2012 trip was so much more fun with Mason on the outside of my belly:)

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