Wednesday, July 25, 2012

1st Family Vacation Day 4

After breakfast, we had to change hotel rooms within our hotel.  I was frustrated and did not want to move, but the hotel notified us of this prior to our arrival.  When we saw our new room we were pleasantly surprised.  This new room was double in size!  We would have rather stayed here for the majority of our trip.  Next year we will book early and request this room for sure!  Mason was in heaven.  There were 3 full length mirrors for him to admire himself in:)  After the move, we headed out for a fun-filled day at Sea World.   We went to numerous shows including dolphins, pets, and Shamu.  Mason enjoyed the Pets Show the best.  He met a girl there and flirted with her the entire time:)  Mason loved clapping throughout each show as well.  He was super exhausted from this whole week, that he even passed out for over an hour while we were at the park.  We decided to spend our last evening in Coronado at our favorite pizza restaurant (Mason ate kalamata olives and LOVED them:) and then walking around the Del Coronado.  We loved this little island very much and look forward to more trips here in the future.  Tomorrow we are off to La Jolla to hang out with cousin Taryn! 

Mason loves mirrors!

Mason really enjoyed Sea World!

The dolphins were my favorite:)

Poor Mason got his first sunburn today:(

Mason had his first 4D movie theater experience.  Unfortunately, he did not love it and we had to leave before the show ended.

Marc picking up a starfish.

Mason passed out while we walked around the park!

Mommy and Mason at the Del:)

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