Saturday, July 7, 2012

Happy 10 Month Birthday Mason!

At 10 months, Mason is now a professional crawler and climbs on everything.  He has 7 teeth, but I am pretty sure the fourth bottom tooth is going to break through any day now.  He continues to love everyone and is always very happy.  He sleeps about 12 hours per night, and still takes 2 naps throughout the day.  My boy loves his sleep:)  He sleeps in the funniest positions and moves around like crazy in his crib.  Our favorite is when he is laying on his belly with his butt up in the air!  (I will have to get a picture next time:)  Aparently I was a kicker and a mover as a kid and no one ever wanted to share a bed with me!  LOL:)  We are on our way to Tucson to play with cousin Jackson!

Our happy little Munchkin:)

Hi Mommy and Daddy!!!

Penny kisses!!!

Mason LOVES The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Trying to climb out!

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