Sunday, July 22, 2012

1st Family Vacation Day 1

Mason, Marc, and I hopped into the Tahoe and headed out to San Diego, California.  Mason was a trooper after 6 hours in the car.  He was a little fussy the last 30 minutes, but once we got to our hotel room in Coronado, Mason was happy again.  He loved exploring every inch of our tiny room:)  After a bottle and a diaper change, we headed out to the beach.  Mason's first experience at the beach was not very happy:(  He was quite cranky and did not seem to enjoy the sand.  We hope it was because he had a long day.  Hopefully he will like it better tomorrow.  After changing into warm clothes, it is 65 degrees here:), we all went out to an amazing Asian restaurant and enjoyed fresh sushi.  Mason enjoyed peas and turkey.  LOL!  Afterwards we walked all around Coronado.  Day 1 of our first family vacation was awesome and I am looking forward to the rest of the week!!!!

Mason was ready for the long drive

Rest stop break to change a diaper

Exploring the hotel room

Ready for our short walk to the beach

"What is this stuff??!!!!"

"I don't like it at all! Pick me up fast!"
Mason was all smiles at dinner

A sweater in July???!!!!!

Today was such a fun day, I don't want to go to bed:)

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