Thursday, July 25, 2013

Family Vacation: Day 5

We decided to go back to SeaWorld today and eat breakfast with Shamu. We did this last year and really loved it, and this year was just as fun. There was a 5 month old whale that was adorable. She stayed close to her mama the whole time. We (including a new addition Stephanie) enjoyed the food and especially the killer whales. After breakfast, we went on a few rides and explored the park for a bit. Mason fed some seals, but freaked out when a seagull swooped up out of nowhere and snatched the fish from daddy's hand. Those birds were quite aggressive. Mason went on his favorite Elmo ride with daddy. Marc was able to ride the fun roller coasters while Mason and I enjoyed the tropical fish and stingrays. 

After SeaWorld, cousin Taryn came to our hotel to hang out for the afternoon. We strolled along the beach, ate food at an Irish Pub, dipped our feet in the pool (even though Mason stressed me out because he did not sit still), and walked to my favorite candy shop to buy Coronado Crunch. It is this rice crispie type of treat with white chocolate, marshmallow, peanut butter, and other things all mushed together into a blob of amazingness! This is one of my most favorite chocolate treats! It was awesome spending time with Taryn. 

The evening was spent packing up our belongings. I can't believe how fast our trip went:(

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