Sunday, July 14, 2013

16 Weeks

16 Weeks:)

I am officially 16 weeks pregnant with two very healthy, perfect little boys! Thank goodness my morning (noon and night) sickness has subsided.  I am even able to stay awake passed 7:30pm! Unfortunately the weird rib pain I had with Mason is back with a vengeance, but it isn't anything I can't handle. The main cravings I have are eggs and orange juice. I limit myself to one glass a day, but man do I look forward to it:) The twins do not seem to like hamburgers and cereal (2 major cravings I had with Mason:).  My doctor told me to stop comparing the pregnancies because every one is different and this even more so due to the twins.  I already feel movement in my belly which is awesome. Marc was able to see my belly move one night when we were lying in bed.  Things are happening so much sooner this time around.  I go to the doctor every week, and each time I hear the beautiful sound of their heartbeats.  Mason is so sweet when he kisses my belly.  He then pulls my shirt over my belly and says, "Night night baby". He is going to be the best big brother EVER!!!

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