Wednesday, July 31, 2013

18 Weeks

My Beautiful Baby Boys

18 Week Bump Shot

I will start off by mentioning that my babies are extremely healthy and doing great. I was not so sure prior to my appointment with the specialist. After lunch I was experiencing a lot of tightening in my abdomen and some pain in my lower back. I figured it was the beans I ate for lunch. Before we were about to leave for my appointment, I went to the bathroom. A normal occurrence that I do 100 times a day. The abnormal part was the pool of blood that I saw in the toilet. My first reaction was to panic and cry. Momma was at my house and reassured me that everything was fine. Jaime drove me to the doctor. I was so grateful and appreciative to have her with me because this was the one appointment Marc was not able to attend. They took me in to the ultra sound room and within seconds we heard two beautiful heartbeats. I was extremely relieved and ecstatic! My cervix was completely closed and very long (2 things that I learned are very important during this pregnancy). It was a freak thing and the doctor or the technician did not have a definitive reason as to why the bleeding happened. The only explanation I got is that this could happen and as long as there is no cramping, it is probably nothing. At least the bleeding stopped and I felt better:)

Twin A, which I call Danny Devito, is the smaller of the two and he is located closest to my cervix.  When I say smaller, I actually mean the normal average size for a twin. His heartbeat was 140 beats per minute and he weighs 8 ounces so far. Twin B, which I call Arnold Schwarzenegger (remember the movie Twins?) is above average. His heartbeat was 150 beats per minute and he weighs 10 ounces. During the hour long ultrasound, neither boy would sit still. They were bouncing all around my belly, which made it a challenge to get measurements, but this sonographer was amazing. We counted 10 fingers and toes on each boy (both boys gave the camera a thumbs up:), saw their vital organs, and we 100% spotted those boy parts. After today, there is a 0% chance that either one of these babies are a girl. We are not set on any names yet, so any suggestions would be gladly welcomed! The important thing is both of them are extremely healthy and perfect.

As for me, I am overall feeling good. Morning sickness has been replaced with headaches and I am getting that extremely tired feeling again the last few days, but nothing I can't handle. Kickboxing has gotten more difficult as well, but I am still planning on going until my doctor says not to go anymore. I just listen to my body and take it easy when I feel I need to. Our next task is to see if 3 carseats will fit in my car. I hope so because I just bought my car in January and I love it. I am not ready to be a minivan mom:( I may have to get over that soon! 

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