Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Family Vacation: Day 3

Mason was not a fan of the helmet, but then he got over it:)
Mommy's Little Burrito

Today was an adventurous type of day. After breakfast, we decided to rent a 4 person surrey, which is a big bicycle.  Austin rented a mountain bike, which was definitely the smarter idea! This 4 person bike was more work than what it was worth, especially since Steven slacked on the pedaling. We were yelling, arguing, and cracking up all at the same time. Mason did enjoy this tour around the island though. And we got a kick ass workout! I am pretty sure that next time we will all rent our own bikes!

After a late lunch, we headed over to SeaWorld.  We enjoyed a very funny sea lion show. Mason loved the music. We then headed over to the Sesame Street area where Mason went on his first real ride. He loved it!!! We were very high and went around and around. He kept putting his hands up and cheering. Mason even cried when the ride was over because he wanted to keep going.  Then Auntie Jaime took him on his 2nd ride, and it was not as successful. He was very scared and cuddled with her the entire time. Mason did not want to go on that ride again! We went to see penguins, whales, sea turtles, sharks, and much more. This year Mason is really into all of the sea creatures and exhibits. After a long day, Mason passed out the second we got into the car. It was a long, fun day:)

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