Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Belly in the Nursery

OMG!  I am still carrying very high.

I love the turtle reef theme!

Penny loves hanging out in her brother's room!

As I look at my belly, I can't help but wonder, "HOW BIG IS MASON GOING TO BE!!!???"  OMG!!  I feel like he is already taking over my body and I still have 6 1/2 weeks to go!  I am definitely experiencing some serious insomnia throughout this 3rd trimester.  I wake up around 3 AM and usually can't fall back asleep until the morning.  I am trying to be productive during this time because this is when I have my most energy.  It doesn't make sense to me, but my cabinets are organized and my lesson plans are prepared for when school starts.  LOL!  I am finally experiencing the nesting period:-)  Mason is extremely active lately as well.  It must be from all the cold water I am drinking.  Marc and I completed our last Birth Basics class.  Today was my favorite session because we learned breathing techniques that I could use to help me cope with labor.  Marc also learned specific massages that he will practice on me throughout the labor (and weeks before:-) to help me through the contractions.  My doctor explained that she doesn't want me going to the hospital until my contractions are 5 minutes apart for 2 hours (or until I can't handle it anymore).  Those massages will definitely come in handy while we are at home waiting to go to the hospital!

The nursery is coming along thanks to our wonderful friends Chris and Rosanna.  They came over this weekend and helped paint, put the the furniture together, wash clothes, and organize all of our baby stuff.  We are so grateful to have such amazing friends in our lives!  We can't thank you both enough for all that you have done for us:-)  We love you and can't wait for Nicholas and Mason to hang out!  I am still waiting for the rest of the decorations to arrive so that I could finish the room, but at least the majority of it is coming together.  I will definitely post pictures when the room is 100% ready.

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