Tuesday, July 12, 2011

31 Weeks

No dropping as of yet!  He is sitting up in my rib cage:-)

I went to the doctor last Friday and I am still measuring about a week ahead.  After reading about that 16 pound baby that was recently delivered, I started freaking out!  But my doctor said everything looks fine.  She was concerned because Thursday night I started having severe abdominal and back pain, but that only lasted an hour.  I thought it may have been Braxton Hicks contractions, but supposedly those aren't painful.  I tried putting my feet up, drinking tons of water, walking around, but nothing seemed to help.  Finally, the pain went away.  My doctor explained that if this happens again, I better call her.  I guess I pushed myself to hard that day and I may have been slightly dehydrated.  Even though I already drink tons of water, I think I need to drink even more just to get through this heat.  I won't let that happen again for sure!  Marc and I started a Birth Basics class tonight.  The teacher/nurse is awesome and we learned a lot, but I left the class feeling tons of anxiety.  It probably did not help that she showed us a birthing video at the end of the class.  She also did not sugar coat anything and told us exactly what to expect during the labor process.  Even though I was with my sister when she had my nephew, it is a lot different knowing that I am going to go through it in the new 2 months.  Marc seems to have enough confidence in me that I will get through this and be fine.  Women have been doing this for years, so I am pretty sure that I will survive (as long as Mason stays under 8 pounds:-)!

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