Friday, July 22, 2011

33 Week Appointment/ "BABYMOON" with my Girls

Today I went to see my doctor and everything went very well.  Mason was jumping around in my belly which made it a struggle to read his heartbeat because he did not want to sit still.  (I think Marc and I are going to have our hands full with this little guy:-)  The nurse finally got a reading of 147 beats per minute.  The doctor was pleased with my 2 pound weight gain.  I explained that I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions and how they are quite uncomfortable and even painful at times.  She did not seem concerned, but explained that I need to drink more water.  I drink tons of water regularly, but with this heat, I have to make sure I drink even more.  I already go to the bathroom every ten seconds, sometimes literally, but I need to make sure I stay hydrated during this summer heat.  If Mason would have come when we originally planned, I would not be so pregnant in the middle of summer!  Apparently he had other plans and was hoping to be born on his daddy's birthday (September 5) instead:-)  The next appointment is in 2 weeks and that is when the not so fun exams begin.  I just can't believe how close I am to meeting my handsome prince!!!

Brooke, Amelia, and I in La Jolla.  Mason got the cutest baby seal shirt:-)

Mason loves the beach already, just like his mama!

Brooklyn, Amelia, and I took a roadtrip to San Diego last weekend.  We had a really great time!  We ate delicious food, hung out on the beach, and did some shopping.  It was exactly what we all needed to relieve some stress and just relax.  Thanks girls for a fabulous trip and I look forward to many more with our families as well!  XOXOXO

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