Tuesday, July 19, 2011

32 Weeks

Hello Mason!
I am at 32 weeks today and feeling really good!  Mason now weighs about 4 pounds and is approximately 17-19 inches long.  He is definitely taking up a lot of space in my belly.  The shortness of breath has been occurring more frequently and my doctor said that will get better when he drops into the birthing position.  Then I will have other pains in the nether regions.  There are so many things to look forward to!  LOL!  I am still working out at the gym and swimming laps in the pool when I can't take the heat.  I really hope that all of this exercise makes the labor part go very smoothly.  Mason now has toenails and fingernails.  His skin is smooth and soft since it is more plump now.  He is even sucking his thumb! 

Marc and I had our second birthing class tonight and I feel a little less anxious after this class.  The class discussed what to expect after the birth, c-sections, and what happens to the baby after he is born.  The nurse focused on epidurals for a good portion of the class as well.  I was relieved to find out that they can give you an epidural at any point of the labor process.  I always thought that you only had a window of opportunity, and if you missed it, then you are dealing with the pain.  My plan is to go to the hospital and decide on my own if/when I will get one.  I would still like to do this natural, but I have no idea what to expect.  I am also glad that I don't have to make any decisions until I feel that I am ready.  We watched another video in class and it showed the process of receiving an epidural.  It didn't scare me as much as I thought it would have.  I will just have to wait and see:-)  I am looking forward to next week because we will focus on breathing and massages!  Marc will get to massage my back during the class.  I can't wait!  

My next doctor's appointment is Friday, so I will keep you posted.  The nursery is coming along great too!  The carpet will be installed on Friday and the furniture will be put together as well.  I plan on having it all decorated and finished by next Friday.  I will definitely post pictures as soon as the room is ready:-)      


  1. OOH! I cannot wait to see the nursery! I also can't wait to see you in August! I want to rub that beautiful belly. I have something for sweet Mason as well. :)

  2. My God girl!! You are huge!!! Healthy Mason boy inside!!! Don't go crazy with all the birthing stuff. I know how you can get! LOL! Everything will happen the way it is supposed to. I read nothing and winged it and you see how everything turned out! Even with the utmost planning, things go the way they are supposed to be. You will be just fine, just DO NOT FREAK YOURSELF OUT!!!!! Baby Mason has to come out some way LOL, remember what my Dad said... woman still squat in fields and are just fine LOL!! See you soon, hang in there!!

  3. PS!! You also know I am good for a laugh if you need one!!!

  4. Melissa: This belly is going to get even bigger by August! He will require lots of rubs:-)

    Patti: You know I am freaking! I stopped reading things about 4 months ago because I could not handle it. Thinking about women squatting in the fields really does make me feel better! LOL!
