Thursday, August 4, 2011

Poppa's 80th Birthday

Happy Birthday Poppa!

The Family (That dress makes me look huge!!!!)

George and Marc

My Austin is growing up so fast!

Marc and Jeffrey

Aunt Susan, David, and Uncle Andrew

Momma and Poppa
We celebrated my poppa's 80th birthday on August 1.  It has been so great having my aunt, uncle, and cousins visit from New York.  We have had a lot of fun eating, hanging out at the pool, shopping, and eating some more!  I think that I have eaten more food in this one week than I have throughout the entire pregnancy!  It is very difficult to resist Momma's cooking.  I am going to miss my family and I look forward to taking Mason back to New York for a visit.  I have my 35 week doctor's appointment tomorrow and I will keep you posted:-)

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