Saturday, August 19, 2017

San Diego Day #6

This is the day that the rest of our crew joined us.  We spent the morning taking the city bus to the other side of the island.  The kids loved the bus, especially because there were no car seats.  We walked out on the pier and saw the USS Midway.  We even let the boys play in the bay for a bit.  By the time we got back to our hotel, Momma, Poppa, and my mom had arrived just in time for lunch. After we ate, Auntie Jaime, Austin, Steven, and Erin (Austin's girlfriend) arrived as well.  We immediately headed over to the beach for some fun in the ocean.  I was really happy to have everyone together as we celebrated Poppa's 86th birthday!

Waiting for the bus.

Playing in the bay.  The twins liked the calm water, but Mason wanted the waves.

My little men!

We just couldn't get enough beach time on this trip!

My gorgeous nephews!  When did they grow up?!

I can't believe how much these guys slept!

I asked Mason to pose like a model and he proceeded to make gestures like a mime.  After I stopped laughing, I explained like a model in a magazine.  The pictures below were his own poses as a model.  He is a natural!

I only posted a few, but he kept going and I have tons of his "modeling" pictures.

For those keeping track, yes this is our third time at Moo Time.  We may have a problem!

Silly boys!

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