Saturday, August 19, 2017

San Diego Day #5

I was able to enjoy another morning alone on the beach, and the rest of my clan woke up just in time for breakfast.  We decided to take a break from the beach today and walked to a park in the middle of the island.  The boys had a great time.  Today was very relaxing as we were saving our energy for tomorrow when Momma, Poppa, my mom, Auntie Jaime, Austin, Steven, and Erin (Austin's girlfriend) joined us in Coronado.

Dylan went down this slide a thousand times!

Noah wanted Mason to push him on the swing.

We got the kids pizza and sat on the balcony of the hotel while Marc and I enjoyed our own happy hour.

Then we headed to the Del for a delicious dinner for Marc and I.  This was our view!

Thank goodness for technology and WiFi!  These boys were very content while Marc and I enjoyed ourselves.

A little late night stroll along the beach.

The quality is not so good, but at least we got all five of us in a picture.

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