Friday, August 18, 2017

San Diego Day #4

The ocean air must really make my family tired, because again, they all slept in until after 9:00 this morning.  Since I woke up early, I decided to go for a 2 mile run along the shoreline.  This was the most beautiful setting for a run and I enjoyed the quiet time to myself.  These boys never sleep in so late on the weekends in Phoenix!  After breakfast, we decided that this entire day was going to be spent at the beach.  Mason learned how to boogie board, we collected seashells, made more sand castles, and just enjoyed each other's company.  This was yet another fabulous vacation day!

Ready for our walk to the beach.

The beach at the Del is a long a walk until you are close to the water.  Needless to say Noah was not happy with walking on the sand for so long.  That face though!

Mason and Marc spent a lot of the time in the water, so I got to hang with these babes.

Noah showing off the seashells that he found.  The twins were adamant about making shell paths so Dory could find her way home.  They were so cute about it.  Unfortunately they didn't strategically place the shells because the waves kept messing it up.  They were still adorable nonetheless!

My little professional boarder!  Maybe he found his calling.

I can't get enough of these two.

No more pictures Mommy!

All cleaned up and ready for dinner.

And another trip to Moo Time.  (No judging!)

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