Friday, August 18, 2017

San Diego Day #3

After a late night out, everyone slept in on our third day.  My kids love to sleep on vacation!  We decided to spend the day in La Jolla checking out the seals.  Apparently everyone and their mother had the same idea, so this place was crowded!  We did get to see a seal swimming in the ocean, which was exciting.  After playing in the water at the Children's Pool for a little bit, we all hopped in the car and headed to our beloved island of Coronado where we were staying the rest of our trip.  We ate a late lunch at Miguel's, our favorite Mexican restaurant, and then changed into bathing suits to spend the early evening making sand castles and swimming in the ocean.  This was another fun day!

So in love with these three!

Checking out the seals.

My most favorite boys in the whole world!

My sweet Bear!

We didn't even unpack our suitcases.  We were determined to get some beach time today and it was well worth it.

The beach is this kid's happy place, just like his mommy!

This year the twins loved the ocean too!  Last year we spent all of our time playing in the sand and avoiding the water, but not this year.  They loved the waves, as long as it didn't knock them down.

This was a great afternoon at the beach!

Our first night in Coronado would not be complete without a trip to Moo Time!  Best. Ice Cream. Ever.

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