Friday, July 31, 2015

Sunday at the Splash Pad

Last weekend I took the twins to meet their cousin Sebastian at the splash pad at Desert Ridge.  My mom took Mason to Tucson, so we went and had some fun in the sun.  Noah enjoyed it way more than Dylan.  Dylan wasn't a big fan of the water.  Both boys were obsessed with Mee-Ma (Monica) and wanted to be held by her the entire time.

I love Sebastian's bathing suit!

These boys loved the water.

Dylan preferred to sit on Monica's lap most of the morning.

Monica was the star of the splash pad because she brought balloons.  We were surrounded by a bunch of random kids and they all loved Monica too!

These boys are going to be best friends forever!

Sebastian is only 6 months older than the twins, but he towers over my little runt Noah!

Why does Noah get to be held by Mee-Ma?

So in love with these cuties!

Dylan was over all of it!

I love Noah's pregnant belly!  I can't even remember how tiny he was when he was born.  This one loves to eat!

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