Saturday, July 18, 2015

Beautiful Evening

These last few weeks have been difficult, to say the least.  Between our house flooding, relocating our family,  all three kids having hand, foot, mouth disease, and Marc having strep throat, this evening was a bright light shining at the end of a long tunnel.  Momma  and Poppa brought over dinner since it is hard to cook in our rental house.  The kids devoured the meatballs and minestrone soup like they haven't eaten in weeks.  Mind you, they ate a huge late lunch!  I am constantly stressing about feeding three growing boys!  After dinner, we all decided to spend the time outside since it was overcast and there was a nice breeze.  This never happens in Arizona in July! The kids and Penny ran around this enormous backyard and had a blast.  Watching their smiling faces brightened my day!  Thanks Momma and Poppa for making this all happen:)

These two are best pals!

Proof that dinner was so delicious.  Dylan's shirt is covered in it because he wanted it shoveled into his mouth.  Lol!

This was Mason's pose when I asked him to smile for the camera.

Then he says, "Take a picture of my butt, Mom!"  So I did:)

Mason was REALLY not in the mood for anymore pictures.

Just a few of my favorites!

That face!  I am obsessed!

Noah makes the funniest, most adorable faces.  He is still missing lots of teeth!

I can just squeeze this little mommy's boy!

Enough with the pictures Mom!!!  I couldn't help myself.  They were all being so darn cute!

Penny was my best subject!

"So Poppa, are you going to give me some of your ice cream or what?"

At this point, the boys were getting cranky and it was bath time.  Good night!

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