Saturday, July 11, 2015

4th Annual Coronado Vacation

This week has been very difficult for the Boileau family.  The entire downstairs of our house flooded due to a crack in the toilet tank that occurred in the middle of the night.  We had about 2 inches of water fill up the bathroom, laundry room, family room, kitchen, dining room, living room, and the foyer.  Water was spilling out the front door!  There was so much damage that the restoration guys had to rip up flooring, take out the carpet, tear off baseboards, and drill holes in the dry wall.  Our house was a construction site and we had to relocate our family.  At first, we were going to a hotel room.  How were Marc and I going to survive with 3 toddlers and a dog in a small room for 3 weeks?!?  Thankfully, our insurance company agreed to rent us a house instead.  It is a gorgeous ranch style (no stress with stairs) home with 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms.  Mason keeps saying he loves our new hotel house.  Needless to say this was a very stressful week and our annual Coronado vacation was just a few days away.  We contemplated back and forth about going and finally decided that we needed this time to forget our horrendous week and just enjoy the family.

We packed up our entire house and headed out on the 6 hour drive to California.  Dylan is not a fan of being in the car and made it very clear that he was not happy.  Noah was good for the first few hours, but then he started in as well with the whining and crying.  (Maybe we should have done a staycation?)  Mason, as always, was perfect in the car.  The twins slept a total of 20 minutes the entire drive, so they were quite cranky and exhausted by the time we arrived.  After a quick dinner, the twins fell asleep in the stroller as Mason and I walked down to the beach.  Then I took the twins to bed and Marc and Mason went for Moo Time ice cream.  I hope these boys sleep really great tonight so we can have a fun day tomorrow.

As long as he had my phone, he was happy!

Mason was very into the movie he was watching.

We had about 10 minutes of peace and quiet.

They love wearing their sunglasses and look great in them!

On our way to dinner.

The only time they were all behaving during dinner.

Mason and Daddy in front of the Del Coronado.

Very tired twins!

Mason loved running through the sand.

Me and my big boy!

Mason enjoying his ice cream with Daddy.


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