Monday, July 13, 2015

Coronado Vacation Day 3

So we started off our morning with Dylan having a bloody nose.  I have never experienced that before so it was quite scary waking up with blood on the sheets (yes I had to sleep with Dylan again last night).  I was worried it was going to be another rough vacation day and was ready to pack up early and go home.  After we cleaned up Dylan, he went back to bed.  When everyone woke up at 8:30, we decided to put our troubles behind us and stay positive.  It worked!!!!   We had our first, fun day of vacation.  The kids were fabulous at breakfast getting all kinds of great attention from everyone they came in to contact with.  We received so many compliments on our adorable boys. This was way different than the "oh poor parents" stares we have been getting.  We then walked over to a park on the island where the kids ran and played and were happy the entire time.  After that, everyone took a long nap.  Then we ate a late lunch, actually super early dinner, at our favorite Mexican food restaurant.  From there we went back to the beach.  The twins still do not like it, but Mason got to enjoy the water.  Marc took Mason for an impromptu dip in the ocean while I took the twins back to the hotel for bath time.  We ended our relaxing day with some Moo Time ice cream.  It was well worth the wait. The kids were fever free and full of smiles.  I am now looking forward to our day at the San Diego Zoo tomorrow!

 The boys woke up silly and eating legos.  It is a lot better than crying!

So adorable during breakfast.

 Mason was having so much fun running after the birds.

 I'm FREE!!!!!

 Dylan get back here NOW!
 It is confirmed, he still does not like the beach.

 Mason told me that his favorite part of our vacation is the ocean.

 I had quality time with the twinkies while Mason and Daddy were at the beach.
 This picture cracks me up!  Noah totally looks like he got caught doing something bad.

 Noah was exhausted and passed out during our ice cream excursion.  
 Mason was in junk food heaven.  Oh well, it is vacation after all!
 My boys love racing.

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