Friday, July 31, 2015

Sunday at the Splash Pad

Last weekend I took the twins to meet their cousin Sebastian at the splash pad at Desert Ridge.  My mom took Mason to Tucson, so we went and had some fun in the sun.  Noah enjoyed it way more than Dylan.  Dylan wasn't a big fan of the water.  Both boys were obsessed with Mee-Ma (Monica) and wanted to be held by her the entire time.

I love Sebastian's bathing suit!

These boys loved the water.

Dylan preferred to sit on Monica's lap most of the morning.

Monica was the star of the splash pad because she brought balloons.  We were surrounded by a bunch of random kids and they all loved Monica too!

These boys are going to be best friends forever!

Sebastian is only 6 months older than the twins, but he towers over my little runt Noah!

Why does Noah get to be held by Mee-Ma?

So in love with these cuties!

Dylan was over all of it!

I love Noah's pregnant belly!  I can't even remember how tiny he was when he was born.  This one loves to eat!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Play Pool

Before the flood, we bought the twins a play pool for the backyard.  They love the big pool, but when there is only one adult with all three kids, it is hard to take them all swimming.  This fun alternative keeps them happy for hours!  Even Mason enjoys hanging out in there with his babies.

The view from the play pool.

Pee paw and Poppa watching the boys.

Even Aunt Therese got in with the twins.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Beautiful Evening

These last few weeks have been difficult, to say the least.  Between our house flooding, relocating our family,  all three kids having hand, foot, mouth disease, and Marc having strep throat, this evening was a bright light shining at the end of a long tunnel.  Momma  and Poppa brought over dinner since it is hard to cook in our rental house.  The kids devoured the meatballs and minestrone soup like they haven't eaten in weeks.  Mind you, they ate a huge late lunch!  I am constantly stressing about feeding three growing boys!  After dinner, we all decided to spend the time outside since it was overcast and there was a nice breeze.  This never happens in Arizona in July! The kids and Penny ran around this enormous backyard and had a blast.  Watching their smiling faces brightened my day!  Thanks Momma and Poppa for making this all happen:)

These two are best pals!

Proof that dinner was so delicious.  Dylan's shirt is covered in it because he wanted it shoveled into his mouth.  Lol!

This was Mason's pose when I asked him to smile for the camera.

Then he says, "Take a picture of my butt, Mom!"  So I did:)

Mason was REALLY not in the mood for anymore pictures.

Just a few of my favorites!

That face!  I am obsessed!

Noah makes the funniest, most adorable faces.  He is still missing lots of teeth!

I can just squeeze this little mommy's boy!

Enough with the pictures Mom!!!  I couldn't help myself.  They were all being so darn cute!

Penny was my best subject!

"So Poppa, are you going to give me some of your ice cream or what?"

At this point, the boys were getting cranky and it was bath time.  Good night!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Coronado Vacation Day 4

Today we went to the San Diego Zoo.  I don't think we were prepared for the massive size of this place.  We got to see a lot of animals up close, including a panda bear and a koala bear, but the twins were mainly restricted to their strollers.  It was super crowded and buses were passing by every few minutes.  We had to keep close watch on those munchkins, and of course they love to run in opposite directions.  The kids were too small for the tour buses and we decided this would be more fun when the kids are older.  Noah had an epic crying fit after waiting in line for the panda bear and dealing with tight, crowded spaces at the polar bear exhibit.  That was our cue to leave. When we got back to Coronado, the kids were in a better mood and we had a delicious lunch overlooking the harbor. Unfortunately that is when Mason started his fever and we took care of him the rest of the night.

Marc and I have been blessed with so many wonderful vacations, and we know that one day we will look back on this trip and laugh about it all.  On our long drive home, we made it a point to find a few positives from each day of our trip so that we didn't focus and dwell on all of the negatives.

Day 1: no kids puked on our 6 hour drive (that was a positive because it happened on the way home), Mason and I ran around on the beach, Marc took Mason on a special ice cream date

Day 2: we didn't spend any money at all (this has never happened before on vacation!), Mason and Marc went swimming in the hotel pool

Day 3: played at a park on the island, went on a family date for ice cream, ate at our favorite Mexican food restaurant

Day 4:  saw a koala bear and a panda bear, walked around the harbor, the twins were awesome at dinner

Mason loves giraffes!  He was so excited about seeing them.

This was before the major crying fit.

We are going to have to get second jobs to support the eating habits of our boys.  They are not even teenagers yet!

The twins ran up to each other and said "huggies" and then snuggled each other.  My heart skipped a beat!

Then Noah ran to Mason and it was his turn for a "huggy".

So much love between these boys!