Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Random Shots

My father-in-law made me a delicious cake for my birthday. Aunt Therese and him came over on Sunday for an early celebration. We had a great day of snuggling babies, playing with Mason, and eating pizza. 

Mason's favorite part was blowing out the candles! We always have an awesome time when they come over.
My dad, Saba, came over for a visit this week. He came over just in time to help me feed the twins.
Mason is so against taking pictures these days. I had to bribe him with M&Ms just to get this one:)
Mason loves Saba!
Mason's favorite place is on this step stool, or "sep stoola" as Mason calls it. He sounds like a little Italian man every time he says it. It cracks us all up and I don't have the heart to correct him because it sounds so adorable! He stands on it and helps us cook, do dishes, or play with his toys on the island in the kitchen. 
Mason helping me cook a healthy breakfast of eggs, quinoa spinach cakes, and a banana. Mason loves healthy food. He enjoys his fruit and veggies, just like Mommy!

This picture was taken at 9:30 AM and he went to bed at 8:30 PM. Mason says, "I am still sleeping Mommy!" He is my little teenager!
The nursery is finally coming along. My goal is to have it completed by the time I go back to work, which is in 2 1/2 weeks:( The colors are yellow and gray. Thanks Aunt Therese for helping me paint these letters:)
Chilling in bed watch TV.
Feeding time!
My sweet Dylan! He definitely takes after my side of the family. He has a feisty Italian/Middle Eastern personality at times, but also so loving!
Noah is all Marc! He is laid back and relaxed. If he cries, there is a reason. He is also my better sleeper at night. He definitely takes after Daddy and Mason in the sleep department:)

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