Tuesday, February 25, 2014

3 Months Old

My little munchkins are growing up so fast! They are my sweet perfect angels. I think they are taking after their older brother in the teething department:( Mason sprouted his first tooth at 3 1/2 months and I don't think these boys will be too far behind. They have both been drooling quite a bit lately and Dylan can't keep his fist out of his mouth. We are finally seeing improvements in their sleeping patterns and I am worried this is going to change things again. I just hope they aren't in much pain throughout this process. 

They are now drinking 6 ounce bottles every 4 hours. Noah's entire body becomes stiff when he is hungry, just like Mason used to act. He doesn't relax (he won't even blink) until the bottle touches his lips. Dylan just screams and cries until the food comes. They both have unique personalities. Two things they both love are: hanging out on the changing table and staring at ceiling fans. Mason loved those things as well. It is incredible how many similarities they have with Mason. I love watching these boys grow! 

The boys are sleeping anywhere from 5 to 8 hours at night. They are not consistent yet, but I am working on it. Some nights Noah sleeps great, but Dylan is up all hours. The next night they change roles and Dylan will sleep great, but not Noah. I am looking forward to when Dylan and Noah both sleep consistently through the night. Hopefully it is before I have to go back to work. 

Thank you boys for celebrating your 3 month birthday with me on my 34th birthday!

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