Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

This weekend I celebrated my birthday. My sister, Steven, and my mom spent the night at our house so Marc and I could spend the night at a hotel. It was a much needed break, but so hard being away from my children! Especially when Jaime called and said Mason had a fever. I was ready to rush home, but they reassured that he would be fine. My mom did raise 3 children and Jaime has 2 children, so my precious Mason was in perfect hands. Besides the constant text messages and calls I made, Marc and I had a blast! We went to lunch, watched a movie, went to Maestro's for dinner and had the best dessert ever, and then I got to play poker at the casino. It was a profitable night for both of us:) On Sunday we slept in until 10 AM, like a couple of teenagers! Then we had a delicious champagne brunch at our hotel.  We had a great staycation, but 24 hours after we left, it was time to come home. Mason's sickness got worse on Sunday, and I am so glad I was there to snuggle him. Thank you so much Mommy, Jaime, and Steven for giving me the best birthday present ever! We love you:)
These two boys are awesome! For the last 3 nights in a row, they slept 7-8 hours! I never thought this time would come! I pray it only continues to get better:)

Best. Dessert. EVER!!!

The rest of the pictures were sent to me by Jaime throughout the evening.
Steven taking care of Dylan
Mason loves his brothers!
My gorgeous Noah!
Feeling good enough to eat a donut.
Sweet Noah
My little love Dylan
Watching a movie
This how my mom keeps the pacifiers in their mouths! This cracks me up!
But it works! Don't worry, she doesn't leave them like this. Lol! Once they fall asleep, the blankets are removed. 

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