Tuesday, February 25, 2014

3 Months Old

My little munchkins are growing up so fast! They are my sweet perfect angels. I think they are taking after their older brother in the teething department:( Mason sprouted his first tooth at 3 1/2 months and I don't think these boys will be too far behind. They have both been drooling quite a bit lately and Dylan can't keep his fist out of his mouth. We are finally seeing improvements in their sleeping patterns and I am worried this is going to change things again. I just hope they aren't in much pain throughout this process. 

They are now drinking 6 ounce bottles every 4 hours. Noah's entire body becomes stiff when he is hungry, just like Mason used to act. He doesn't relax (he won't even blink) until the bottle touches his lips. Dylan just screams and cries until the food comes. They both have unique personalities. Two things they both love are: hanging out on the changing table and staring at ceiling fans. Mason loved those things as well. It is incredible how many similarities they have with Mason. I love watching these boys grow! 

The boys are sleeping anywhere from 5 to 8 hours at night. They are not consistent yet, but I am working on it. Some nights Noah sleeps great, but Dylan is up all hours. The next night they change roles and Dylan will sleep great, but not Noah. I am looking forward to when Dylan and Noah both sleep consistently through the night. Hopefully it is before I have to go back to work. 

Thank you boys for celebrating your 3 month birthday with me on my 34th birthday!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

This weekend I celebrated my birthday. My sister, Steven, and my mom spent the night at our house so Marc and I could spend the night at a hotel. It was a much needed break, but so hard being away from my children! Especially when Jaime called and said Mason had a fever. I was ready to rush home, but they reassured that he would be fine. My mom did raise 3 children and Jaime has 2 children, so my precious Mason was in perfect hands. Besides the constant text messages and calls I made, Marc and I had a blast! We went to lunch, watched a movie, went to Maestro's for dinner and had the best dessert ever, and then I got to play poker at the casino. It was a profitable night for both of us:) On Sunday we slept in until 10 AM, like a couple of teenagers! Then we had a delicious champagne brunch at our hotel.  We had a great staycation, but 24 hours after we left, it was time to come home. Mason's sickness got worse on Sunday, and I am so glad I was there to snuggle him. Thank you so much Mommy, Jaime, and Steven for giving me the best birthday present ever! We love you:)
These two boys are awesome! For the last 3 nights in a row, they slept 7-8 hours! I never thought this time would come! I pray it only continues to get better:)

Best. Dessert. EVER!!!

The rest of the pictures were sent to me by Jaime throughout the evening.
Steven taking care of Dylan
Mason loves his brothers!
My gorgeous Noah!
Feeling good enough to eat a donut.
Sweet Noah
My little love Dylan
Watching a movie
This how my mom keeps the pacifiers in their mouths! This cracks me up!
But it works! Don't worry, she doesn't leave them like this. Lol! Once they fall asleep, the blankets are removed. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

What's New with Mason?

My first born son went from being my precious, sweet baby to my intelligent, independent, amazing toddler. At 2 1/2 years old, I am convinced that Mason is the smartest, most gorgeous little boy. I am sure that all moms feel this way about their children and I am no exception. I love this little guy so much!

1. Mason is so in love with his baby brothers. He is constantly hugging and kissing them. He wants to always help me feed, change, burp, and play with the twins. He enjoys doing exercises (tummy time) with the boys and he has to lay in between them and put his arms around each baby. Watching him with his brothers makes my heart melt!

2.  Mason is obsessed with numbers and counting. He can count to 20 and backwards from 10. Wherever we go, Mason yells out the numbers he sees. He even counts all kinds of things. Maybe he will be a mathematician when he is older.

3.  Mason also has an obsession for letters. He knows the alphabet, can spell and recognize his name, and points out letters wherever we go. He is my genius!

4.  Mason knows most shapes as well. He recognizes diamonds, squares, and triangles from the tiles on the floor in our house. He calls out ovals, rectangles, stars, etc. when we are driving around in the car. 

5.  Mason has started to master the art of manipulation. It doesn't work on Mommy and Daddy, but he can fool others. If I ask him to clean up or do something that he doesn't want to do, he looks at me with puppy dog eyes and says in a sad voice (while hugging me), "I don't feel good." Or "I feel sick." I don't fall for those tricks, but I can see it working on Grandma. I tell him then we should go to the doctor, which happens to be the scariest place on Earth to him. Miraculously he feels better and does what I had asked of him. Such a little stinker! His other favorite thing to say is, "tomorrow". "Change my diaper tomorrow. I will take a nap tomorrow. Tomorrow I will take a bath." I don't know where he gets this stuff from!

6.  Mason really likes watching movies. This is partly my fault because when he is home with the twins and I, it is easier for me to put on a movie for him so that I can take care of the babies. His favorite movies that we watch over and over are Cars, Planes, Polar Express, Lion King, and The Little Mermaid. He thinks Ariel is pretty. Awe, his first crush:) 

7.  Mason loves anything to do with trains (just not potty training). We know he is awake in the morning when we hear, "Woo Woo" and "Chugga Chugga" sounds coming from his bedroom. He loves reading his train books, going to the train park, and watching trains on TV. I am trying to convince Marc that we should go up north and ride the Polar Express train next winter. He thinks the twins are too young, but I think it will be perfect! 

8.  Mason is still not potty trained. I am convinced that he will be a teenager in diapers. Ha ha! I hear that boys are difficult to train and this little guy is stubborn, and unfortunately he gets that from me:( I don't push him too hard because I don't want to discourage him, but I wish he cared enough to go in the potty. He really despises getting his diaper changed, so you would think he would want to go in the toilet, but not so much:( It will happen eventually and I just have to be patient until that time comes.

9.  My once really good eater, now puts up a fight at dinner. We have to bribe him in order to get him to finish his meals. This is the same kid who never wanted to leave the dinner table a year ago. All he ever wanted to do was eat! At least he still eats healthy foods. He asked me for broccoli the other day:) 

10.  Mason is my special helper. Not only does he help me with the twins, but around the house as well. His favorite chore is feeding Penny. He gets her food, scoops it out, and then puts her bowl down in front of her. He helps me empty the dishwasher, load and fold the laundry, make his bed, and clean up his toys. He loves to help. He is such a sweet, kind-hearted little gentlemen! 

Mason at 2 weeks old
Mason now:)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Adventure Day

Today Aunt Therese and I took the boys to Anthem Park. It was a gorgeous windy day and we all loved being outside. This park was awesome and we will probably be spending a lot of time there. We are already planning on going back next week! The best part was feeding the ducks and birds. I am going to miss our Thursday adventure days when I have to go back to work:(
All dressed and ready for the day. He looks like a model!
This little guy really does not like taking pictures!
Such a fun day!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Random Shots

My father-in-law made me a delicious cake for my birthday. Aunt Therese and him came over on Sunday for an early celebration. We had a great day of snuggling babies, playing with Mason, and eating pizza. 

Mason's favorite part was blowing out the candles! We always have an awesome time when they come over.
My dad, Saba, came over for a visit this week. He came over just in time to help me feed the twins.
Mason is so against taking pictures these days. I had to bribe him with M&Ms just to get this one:)
Mason loves Saba!
Mason's favorite place is on this step stool, or "sep stoola" as Mason calls it. He sounds like a little Italian man every time he says it. It cracks us all up and I don't have the heart to correct him because it sounds so adorable! He stands on it and helps us cook, do dishes, or play with his toys on the island in the kitchen. 
Mason helping me cook a healthy breakfast of eggs, quinoa spinach cakes, and a banana. Mason loves healthy food. He enjoys his fruit and veggies, just like Mommy!

This picture was taken at 9:30 AM and he went to bed at 8:30 PM. Mason says, "I am still sleeping Mommy!" He is my little teenager!
The nursery is finally coming along. My goal is to have it completed by the time I go back to work, which is in 2 1/2 weeks:( The colors are yellow and gray. Thanks Aunt Therese for helping me paint these letters:)
Chilling in bed watch TV.
Feeding time!
My sweet Dylan! He definitely takes after my side of the family. He has a feisty Italian/Middle Eastern personality at times, but also so loving!
Noah is all Marc! He is laid back and relaxed. If he cries, there is a reason. He is also my better sleeper at night. He definitely takes after Daddy and Mason in the sleep department:)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

This was my surprise when I came downstairs today! My sweet romantic husband also dedicated our wedding song to me on the radio! These boys of ours have such a great role model to teach them how to be amazing husbands and fathers in the future (way in the future if I could have it my way:). 
Each chocolate heart had everyone's name on it because they all give me their "hearts"! I am one loved lady!
Thanks Aunt Therese for thinking of our boys!
Heart-shaped brownies for my love!
Mason stayed home with me today and helped me take care of the babies. He is an exceptional big brother!
My Valentines
Mason playing with the Valentine's Day toy from Daddy.
He loves it!
Dylan's bib says it all! Thanks Auntie Jaime!
I am obsessed with Noah's chubby cheeks!