Sunday, January 5, 2014

My Boileau Boys

All my favorites!!!
My sweet Mason has definitely changed since the twins came along. He adores his brothers and kisses them constantly, but now also throws temper tantrums and constantly wants attention. The poor kid's life has been turned upside down since the arrival of his brothers, but I hope he adjusts soon. Thank goodness he still loves his sleep!
Noah is my little snuggy bunny. He loves to sleep on my chest on his belly. He curls his legs up and is instantly relaxed. Noah also smiles in his sleep. He is also my eater. He finishes his bottles much faster now and even eats 5 ounces at a time. When he is hungry, his entire body becomes stiff (Mason did the same thing as a baby) and is completely tense until he starts eating. 
Dylan is my little kitty cat. He makes the sweetest noises that sound like a kitten, except at 3:00 AM when he is really mad. He is a good sleeper, during the day, and likes to be held as well, except on his back. He also smiles at us when he is relaxed.

All 3 of my boys have such wonderful personalities and I love them more than anything! I am blessed:)

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