Sunday, December 15, 2013

Poppa's Christmas Party

Every year we join Momma and Poppa at the Boulder's holiday party. This year was the best because Mason loved all of the craft stations. He decorated cookies, made ornaments, took pictures with Santa, and ate a ton of junk food! This was also the twins first real outing, besides doctor visits and going to the hospital.  We all had a great time:) 

Mason enjoyed the M & Ms more than the cookie!
One of the ornaments that Mason made.
Amelia got the boys ready for us. At their 2 week doctor visit, both boys are extremely healthy and perfect! Noah (left) weighs 5 pounds 8 ounces and Dylan weighs 5 pounds 14 ounces. These boys are getting bigger. Marc wants them 9 pounds by Christmas, but I don't see that happening:)
Auntie Jaime feeding Noah
Daddy with a "milk-wasted" Dylan. 
All of the crafts Mason made:)
Merry Christmas!
Passed out after an afternoon of fun!

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