Friday, December 27, 2013

Newborn Pictures

Noah and Dylan both weigh in at 7 pounds 7 ounces. My boys are putting on some weight:) We had a visit from a NICU nurse today and she was very impressed with my little premie babies. Typically, premature babies develop from their due date, not the actual date that they arrived. According to her observations, both boys are at about 2 weeks of age. She explained that premature babies usually struggle with speech and development. She gave me some tips to help with the development, but also wanted me to be prepared in case they don't reach milestones at their actual age. We will be doing lots of reading, flash cards, and anything else to help them be successful:) This visit was great and extremely informative. I look forward to meeting with Nurse Jackie again in 2 months. 

Thanks Jayde for taking such great pictures again!!

Noah does not like what Dylan is telling him! Lol:)
Dylan Ray

Noah Grayson

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