Tuesday, August 30, 2011

38 Weeks

Check out my New Jersey hair!  LOL:-)

He is sooooooo BIG!!!

2 weeks left!

Only 2 weeks (hopefully) until my Mace arrives:-)  My doctor's appointment did not go as great as I was hoping.  The good news is that Mason's heartbeat was at 134 beats per minute and I was measuring at 38 1/2 weeks.  His head is down and he is in the right position, but unfortunately, I am still only one centimeter dilated.  I had 3 days of continous contractions and no progress was made:-(  In order for the doctor to strip my membranes next Tuesday, I have to be at least 2 centimeters dilated.  It is time to bring out the big guns!  This week will consist of long walks, jumping jacks, spicy foods, and any other old wives' tales I could find on the Internet, minus the castor oil.  LOL!  The doctor was concerned with my swollen feet and ankles.  My blood pressure was higher than normal as well, so I have to go back on Friday and the nurse will check my pressure again.  With all of the record breaking heat over the past 2 weeks, no wonder Mason doesn't want to come out.  LOL!  Between the heat, aches and pains, and contractions, I am finally at the point where mentally and physically I am ready for him to come.  My hospital bag and Mason's diaper bag are ready to go.  Now it is up to him to decide when he will grace us with his presence:-)       

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