Sunday, August 28, 2011

Greenway Baby Shower

On Friday after school, my wonderful coworkers surprised me with a very special baby shower.  I am so blessed to work with such an amazing group of people.  Everyone has been so caring and generous since the beginning of this pregnancy.  I feel so lucky to know that my students will be well taken care of in my absence.  In the beginning, I was stressed out because I have never left my students for such a long period of time.  But now I feel secure and I know that everything is going to work out perfectly.  Thank you so much to my fantastic special ed team and everyone else!  My last day of work will be this Friday, 9/2, and I will return 11/7.  I will be able to focus all of my attention on my little angel!

This weekend has been interesting!  I had consistent contractions Friday and Saturday night.  The contractions started at about 5 PM both nights and lasted until after midnight.  On Saturday, they were painful and about 3-5 minutes apart for 3 hours.  When I was ready to head to the hospital, they finally slowed down.  I have been taking it easy all day today and I have had inconsistent contractions here and there.  This has been so frustrating.  I wish there was a definitive feeling that would let me know if I was in labor.  Everyone keeps saying you will know, but I sure as heck did not know this weekend.  I have my next doctor's appointment on Tuesday, so hopefully I will get some answers.  My goal is to make it to this weekend so that I could get through my last week of work.  Mason may have a different agenda:-)

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