Tuesday, August 16, 2011

7 Pound Honeydew??!!!!!!

My Handsome (BIG) Prince

The Nursery (95% finished)

We are just waiting for the glider and a new light!

A 7 pound baby is in that large belly!  OMG!!!

According to the website thebump.com, at 36 weeks pregnant, the baby should be the size of a honeydew.  According to my ultra sound today, Mason weighs 7 pounds!!!  That is either the biggest honeydew ever, or their scale is wrong!  My little man is HUGE and I still have 4 weeks until full term!  Mason could potentially be a 9 pounder if I make it the remaining 27 days.  According to my doctor, he has not fully dropped and I am not dilated at all.  She feels that he will most likely not come this week.  On a positive note, he is healthy and looks gorgeous!  I still tear up every time I get an ultra sound and I get to see my little angel.  The ultra sound tech said that Mason has a lot of hair.  So much for that old wives' tale of hair on the baby's head means that mom has a lot of heartburn.  I have been blessed to not have to experience that so far throughout this pregnancy.  I am experiencing swollen feet and ankles.  My once thin, bony ankles are now retaining tons of water.  I also have Fred Flinstone feet!  I am so grateful for my wonderful husband though!  He fills buckets of warm water and epsom salt and I can sit on the couch and soak my feet.  I was orginally sitting on the edge of the bathtub for 30 minutes, but that was really hurting my back.  Marc surprised me the other night while I was catching up on my favorite shows.  Now I get to relax, watch TV, and soak my swollen limbs in comfort!  My next appointment is set for Monday, so I am hoping he has not grown too much by then:-)    

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