Saturday, September 3, 2011

Appointment Update

On Friday, I went back to the doctor to check my blood pressure.  Even though it wasn't high for the norm the last time I went, it was considered higher for my normal.  But this time everything was great and she was pleased with my blood pressure.  Maybe it was because the stress of preparing for my substitute was over and I just finished my last day of work for the next 9 weeks!  I also did not gain any weight:-)  Mason's heartbeat was 140 beats per minute and he was jumping around in my belly the entire time.  She was concerned that I am not drinking enough water.  I already drink so much that I did not think it was possible to drink more, but I am chugging it down.  I also had to wear my very first pair of flat shoes:(  Thanks Jaime for letting me borrow your flip flops.  I don't even own a pair!  LOL!  I can't wait until my feet and ankles are back to normal!  As of now, no signs of him coming today.  I am still having regular contractions, but nothing that is super painful.  Everyone keeps telling me that I will know when it is time.  I am hoping this week:-)

I couldn't resist shopping!

I can't wait to see him in this:-)

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