Tuesday, June 28, 2011

29 Weeks

How big is he going to get???!!!!!

Today I am 29 weeks pregnant.  Mason should be measuring about 16 inches and weighing in at about 3 pounds now.  I am keeping track of his movement, and he moves a lot!  Marc and I lay in bed and watch my belly jiggle around like the ocean.  It is crazy!  The doctor called this week and explained that I passed the glucose test, but I do have anemia.  She put me on some iron vitamins to help with that.  I feel like I take 100 vitamins a day thanks to the pills that my mom makes me take every day:-)  Some new pregnancy symptoms this week, which may be from the anemia, consist of shortness of breath and lower back pain.  This makes for even more challenges at night when I try to sleep.  Kickboxing classes are starting to become a challenge as well, but I am determined to continue the class at least for another 5 weeks:-)  Thank goodness I only have 2 days left of summer school and then I am free to relax and hang out by the pool.  Marc and I are anticipating our "Baby Moon" which will be our last mini-vacation that will be just the two of us.  I look forward to our family vacations now! 

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