Tuesday, June 7, 2011

26 Weeks:-)

This belly is getting bigger by the second!

OMG!  I am at 26 weeks already!  I know I mention it every time, but I can't believe how quickly time is flying by.  At least we finally ordered the baby's furniture this weekend:-)  We still have to paint and install new carpet in his room, but at least we are starting the process for the nursery.  I have definitely been more uncomfortable lately.  My rib pain has gotten worse and nothing works to make it go away.  The doctor explained that not many women experience this rare side effect.  She also told me it will go away when the baby comes.  That did not help my situation at all, but just another pregnancy perk I get to deal with:-)  Mason now weighs about 2 pounds and I can feel him all the time.  I imagine him doing somersaults in my belly to describe the crazy sensations.  He has even kicked a pillow off my belly once!  He is training to be a fighter I think!  LOL!  At 26 weeks, Mason can now open his eyes.  They really do grow up fast:-)  I think it might also be almost time to lay off the 5 inch heels.  Teaching all day in heels is really not helping my bad back and the leg cramps that I endure throughout the night.  (You may have been right after all Marc:-)  I have my glucose test in 2 weeks and then we scheduled a 3D/4D ultra sound too.  I can't wait for those pictures!  

Happy 2 Year Anniversary!

Playa Del Carmen, Mexico 6/8/09
I can't believe that Marc and I are celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary.  I have the most amazing husband and I know that he will make an even more amazing father.  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful, patient, and loving man in my life, especially with all of my crazy pregnancy hormones.  I love you so much and I look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries with you.  XOXOXO 

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