Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hello 3rd Trimester

28 Weeks

I am 28 weeks today!  Each week I get more and more excited to meet my little angel.  I had a doctor's appointment yesterday that went very well.  I had to drink this extremely sweet drink for my glucose test and then get blood work.  Needless to say I was a big baby when it was time to poke me with the needles.  I am pretty sure the nurses are still laughing at me.  After they took what seemed like every ounce of blood from my body, I was informed that I needed to get another shot!  Apparently my blood is not so common and does not mix well with Marc's blood.  So in order to keep my Mason protected and any future possible children, I was injected with some sort of liquid (I don't remember the technical term:).  The good news is that as long as I pass the glucose test (I have to wait one week for the results), then they are finished taking blood from me.  YAY!  Now I get to stress about delivery!  LOL!  I am measuring one week ahead of schedule.  My doctor explained that it doesn't necessarily mean I will go early, but I will have a big baby.  That explanation did not make me feel better!  I don't want to go early, but I don't want a 10 pounder coming out of me either!!!  OMG!  She did explain that I am doing fine weight wise and I only gained 5 pounds this past 4 weeks.  My visits will now be every 2 weeks.  I am super excited because I have my 3D ultra sound scheduled for tomorrow.  I will definitely post pictures.  We also received Mason's furniture.  Thanks to my wonderful friend, Brooklyn, the room is well on the way to getting ready!  We need to paint and put in new carpet in the next few weeks.  Things are finally coming together:-) 

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