Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Babies

3 Boileau's in a tub! 

These boys love hanging out in Mason's room before they all go to bed. I adore the matching "jamas" as Mason calls them!

Mason is an amazing big brother. He loves his babies and always wants to be with them. He is still working on sharing his toys with them though.

Noah is no longer the toothless wonder! His top right tooth has poked through. It is strange that his top teeth are coming in before the bottom ones. He is still army crawling everywhere. He is one fast little dude! He also talks nonstop. Noah always has something to say.

Dylan's top 2 teeth have poked through. He has a total of 4 teeth now. Dylan is not crawling, but rocks back and forth on his knees wanting to go. Dylan is also able to go from lying down to sitting up on his own. 

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