Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Dylan's physical therapist, AJ, came to visit to check on my little guy. She was very impressed with his progress! He is my over achiever. She says he is right on target with everything and probably no longer needs services. She will conduct a full evaluation next month and then we can decide from there if we should terminate services or not. 

I told her I was concerned about his fine motor skills because he isn't holding his bottle and struggles picking up little foods (puffs, yogurt melts, etc.). It happened to be time for his bottle, so I planned on showing her what I was talking about. Well my little stinker made a liar out of me and fed himself the entire bottle on his own! This was the first time he had done this. When I took out the puffs to show her my other concern, he picked up the food and put it in his mouth!!!! I was shocked! I told AJ that she needs to move in. Dylan was playing us the whole time. It wasn't that he couldn't do it, he just chose not to do it. Why should he when everyone else is quick to do things for him. I learned a lot about this munchkin during the visit. Thank god he is healthy and progressing beautifully! He even has 4 teeth now. Noah is still the toothless wonder!

He loves being the center of attention!!!

Still not crawling, but rolling everywhere!

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