Tuesday, August 5, 2014

3rd Annual Coronado Vacation

At the last minute, Marc and I decided that we should take Mason on our yearly summer vacation to Coronado in San Diego. I wanted to take the twins, but Marc was the realist once again and it made sense to leave these little guys with Grandma. Even though I am missing them like crazy, we are loving our special time with Mason. He had his world turned upside down when the twins came along, so it is nice that he is getting all of our attention.

Most of our first day of vacation was spent traveling in the car. Mason is awesome in the car! He was in awe of the trains we saw, watched a movie, ate some snacks, and took a nap. He did not complain the entire ride. When we finally arrived, we walked straight to the beach. The water was freezing, but Mason loved running in and out of the water. He was laughing and screaming with delight. After dinner, we went to our favorite ice cream shop, Moo Time Creamery, and loved sitting outside enjoying the beautiful weather. We are looking forward to tomorrow!

Leaving these munchkins was very hard!!!

So excited to be on vacation!

Passed out after a few hours of traveling.

Mason felt right at home in the hotel with all of his toys.

Beach time!

Moo Time!!!

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