Sunday, August 31, 2014

9 Month Checkup

Waiting patiently for the doctor!

Noah is 21.13 pounds and 27 1/2 inches

Dylan is 22.13 pounds and 29 inches

Mason at 9 months was 22.9 pounds and 29 1/4 inches and he was born 5 pounds more than each of the twins! The twins are big boys!

These babies are growing so fast. Noah is talking up a storm. He says mama, dada, baba, wawa, and so much more. He constantly has something to say. Dylan talks as well, but not as much. He is selective with his speaking, but it is so sweet and gentle. Noah continues to army crawl, while Dylan is officially a knee crawler. Noah copies everything. He tries to snap his fingers, mimicks sounds with his mouth, and does the sign language for the words no more. Dylan can sign for the word more, especially when puffs are involved. Their favorite toy is this dragon that bounces balls everywhere. They can play with this toy and never get bored. They both have an obsession with necklaces. Dylan gets excited and wants to rip it off the person's neck, while Noah is very gentle and wants to examine it closely and carefully.

Both boys despise my cooking. I went to Trader Joe's and bought all organic vegetables and chicken. I spent an entire afternoon cooking them chicken soup and green beans. I was so excited to give them a home cooked meal and save money from buying baby food. Mason and Marc sampled it and really enjoyed it. I put the soup in the blender and proceeded to feed Dylan. He made a few funny faces, but I figured he was getting used to it. After five bites, the kid was miserable, so I stopped trying and moved on to Noah. Noah was even more miserable! He literally gagged himself and tried to throw up! After a few more tries, it was clear these boys hated my cooking. Thank goodness for Earth's Best because my twins only prefer gross jarred food. At least the other boys in my house enjoy my cooking!

We are enjoying this stage with our boys very much. Even more now since they are great sleepers. They go to bed around 8:30 and sleep 11 to 12 hours. And they take great naps during the day. Now that we are sleeping through the night, we are no longer zombies throughout the day. I almost forgot what those first few months were like. Marc probably does not agree! We look forward to the many more milestones that they will reach, but as of now, we are loving each moment with these boys.

Monday, August 25, 2014

9 Months

These gorgeous babies are 9 months old today. They continue to bring joy and happiness to everyone around them. I am so in love with these boys!!!

Mommy's handsome model

My sweet love bug!

Noah's bottom teeth are starting to come in. His hands have barely left his mouth all week!

These calendar pictures are getting more and more difficult each month.

Dylan loves playing with his furry sister.

Baby kisses!

Sharing toys already

Noah Bear is always laughing!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Babies

3 Boileau's in a tub! 

These boys love hanging out in Mason's room before they all go to bed. I adore the matching "jamas" as Mason calls them!

Mason is an amazing big brother. He loves his babies and always wants to be with them. He is still working on sharing his toys with them though.

Noah is no longer the toothless wonder! His top right tooth has poked through. It is strange that his top teeth are coming in before the bottom ones. He is still army crawling everywhere. He is one fast little dude! He also talks nonstop. Noah always has something to say.

Dylan's top 2 teeth have poked through. He has a total of 4 teeth now. Dylan is not crawling, but rocks back and forth on his knees wanting to go. Dylan is also able to go from lying down to sitting up on his own. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Dylan's physical therapist, AJ, came to visit to check on my little guy. She was very impressed with his progress! He is my over achiever. She says he is right on target with everything and probably no longer needs services. She will conduct a full evaluation next month and then we can decide from there if we should terminate services or not. 

I told her I was concerned about his fine motor skills because he isn't holding his bottle and struggles picking up little foods (puffs, yogurt melts, etc.). It happened to be time for his bottle, so I planned on showing her what I was talking about. Well my little stinker made a liar out of me and fed himself the entire bottle on his own! This was the first time he had done this. When I took out the puffs to show her my other concern, he picked up the food and put it in his mouth!!!! I was shocked! I told AJ that she needs to move in. Dylan was playing us the whole time. It wasn't that he couldn't do it, he just chose not to do it. Why should he when everyone else is quick to do things for him. I learned a lot about this munchkin during the visit. Thank god he is healthy and progressing beautifully! He even has 4 teeth now. Noah is still the toothless wonder!

He loves being the center of attention!!!

Still not crawling, but rolling everywhere!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Such a Proud Auntie

Last weekend we moved Austin into the dorms at ASU. My oldest nephew has matured into an amazing young man. He was the sweetest, most well-behaved baby and that has carried on through adulthood. I love this guy so much! I am so proud of his accomplishments and I can't wait to see what the future holds for him. Good luck at ASU! Make lots of memories and enjoy this time in your life. Go Sun Devils!!!

Hanging out in the hallway of his dorm.

Noah likes all the posters.

Representing Italy!

My sister raised a fantastic kid! Love you Jaime! 

I think you have a poster addiction Austin! I hope your roommate doesn't mind:)

I love this picture of Momma and Noah Bear! 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Coronado Vacation Day 4

Today was our last day on the beautiful island of Coronado. It was bittersweet because we have been having a great time, but I've missed my munchkins so much. Mason's favorite part of the vacation was hanging out at the beach. We decided to go there one more time before we packed up the car. Thanks for the memories Coronado! Until next year, but with the entire Boileau family!

Thanks for a fun vacation love bug! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

He is a brave little guy. That water was ice cold!

We need to live here!

Mason loves his killer whale bubble blower!

Love this man!!!

All packed up and ready for the drive home!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Coronado Vacation Day 3

One of the best parts of this vacation is the weather. We sit outside for every meal and walk as much as possible. Today after breakfast, we decided to rent bikes and explore the island. I enjoyed every minute of this, but Mason started to get uncomfortable after an hour. He kept saying, "The bumps hurt my butt. Take this bike back to your friends." So after an hour, we returned the bikes to our "friends". Lol!

Ready for breakfast!
Let's do this!

I got a little girl bike! Lol! The adult bikes were too big for me:)
Such a fun, scenic ride.
A sweet treat after our bike ride.
A quick swim in the pool before nap time.

After nap time today, we hopped in the car and drove downtown to Seaport Village. We walked around and had dinner overlooking the harbor. Mason told me he would buy me a sailboat. I preferred the yachts, but I won't be picky.  Mason was in awe of the USS Midway. We look forward to taking a tour some day. 

He is sooooo gorgeous!

We spent the rest of the evening at Seaworld again. We saw killer whales and dolphins. Then we hung out at the Sesame Street play area for a long time. Mason loved the Elmo ride and everything else in that area. We ended the evening with a Shamu show and fireworks. 

Since it is our last night on the island, we decided to head over to the beach. Mason loves it so much and this made him happy. I can't wait to come back next year, but this time with the twins. Thank goodness for FaceTime because that is what got me through the days!

The glare made it difficult for taking pictures, but Mason's reaction was priceless!

Mason was scared at first, but totally let loose once the ride started.