Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

I am so blessed for my 3 wonderful boys!!! I love being a mommy to these guys. Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful moms in my life. I would not be the mom I am today without their love, guidance, and support. Love you all!!

Love these sweet boys!
We spent the morning eating pancakes! It was delicious:) Mason's face is hysterical! He really hates pictures, but not selfies:)
Dylan loves getting attention!
These boys love to snuggle!!!
Noah slept the whole time.
Poor Mason fell last night and cut up his lip and chin. He was a lot tougher than me!
Noah hanging out with Grandma.
Mason using Aunt Therese as a jungle gym!
These boys have my heart!
Happy Mother's Day!!!

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