Saturday, May 31, 2014

6 Month Check Up

Noah and Dylan had their 6 month check up and both boys are healthy and perfect. Noah weighs 18 pounds (59th percentile) and is 26 1/4 inches tall (30th percentile). Dylan weighs 18 pounds 6 ounces (66th percentile) and 26 1/2 inches tall (41st percentile). These percentiles are compared to non-premie babies. The boys are right on schedule and doing great!  They did have to get shots at this visit and I think I have a harder time than the little ones. Noah screamed out and turned bright red, but stopped crying once I gave him the pacifier. Dylan did not even flinch for the first shot and cried for a second with the next shot. They were tough little dudes. Both little guys are officially in their nursery and almost sleeping through the night! (Pictures of the nursery will be coming soon.)

I adore that gorgeous face!!! Noah loved swimming in the pool. He had the best time.
I am obsessed with Dylan's sweet smile! Dylan hated swimming in the pool. He screamed and cried the entire 2 minutes that we had him in with us:(
Mason is doing great with swimming!
All 3 boys chillin in the pack 'n' play.
Mason eating dinner on his "new" table. This was Marc's from when he was a kid. Penny waiting patiently for something to fall.
I love that chunky little body! Noah has thighs that don't quit! Lol!

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