Friday, May 23, 2014

Graduation Day

I became an aunt at the age of 16 to the sweetest, cutest little nephew. Austin brought so much joy and happiness to our family. He was such a well behaved, caring child and has turned into an amazing, loving, hilarious (he cracks us up!) man. We are so proud of Austin and are super excited for what the future holds for him. Enjoy these next years at college! We love you so much!!!

He is so handsome!!!!
ASU in the fall! 
I adore these boys with all my heart!!!
Ha ha! Check out my mom jeans and the red hair! What was I thinking?!?
I love the grunge look! 
Austin is the best big cousin! He is always taking care of my boys. 
Mason loves Brooke, Austin's girlfriend, and she is so great with all my kids!
Monica and Noah Bear
Graduation Dinner
Momma ❤️ Dylan
Jaime ❤️ Dylan
Let's go take a selfie!
Congratulations Austin! We ❤️ you!

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